Schlagwort-Archive: Blender

Green stuff

Yeah, I have a blender!

Did anybody see this film?fat--sick---nearly-dead

Quite impressing and some super Comic Strips. 91312026

About Joe who went for 60 days on a fasting diet with only green juices and got healthy and fit again, while touring through the U.S.. And then he met another guy, a truck driver with a real overweight problem. And how he went on, is a whole other story. Impressing!Fat-Sick-and-Nearly-Dead

Very interesting and motivating but for me in my daily life not really possible to handle. Maybe it can be a complement for the fast days and also for the other days…

Now I heard about Green Smoothies and not Green Juices. What ist better? And what makes the difference? Here is a comparison.

 I think, for me it is important, not to  rev up the bloodsugar too much, which can happen easily with the Juices. So the Smoothies are the way for me, but hey, everybody has to find his own way.

To give it a try, I bought a relatively cheep blender. 2 years guarantee and my Kids and their friend tried it already in their home with good results. So I give it a try to get healthier from day to day.


Nach einigem Herumstöbern meine ich, der Versuch sollte sich lohnen. Allerdings muss ich mir erstmal einen  „Blender“ zusammensparen. Die vernünftigen sind ja doch nicht ganz billig. Weiterlesen